Tuesday, November 21, 2006

wow. it's been two long months since i last updated this blog of mine. heh. well, lots has happened, and yet, nothing has happened. i'm a living contradiction.

anyways. like the orphans we are, we're now dumped to Bedok Camp II, attached to 7SIB for the brigade exercise, Ex. Voyager, next frickin' year. next year!

holy cripes.

and 7SIB is a Guards brigade (or mostly Guards). we're *so* doomed.

see, the exercise is scheduled to begin in the last week of January 2007 and will stretch into the first two weeks of February 2007. and the training is beginning in the middle of November 2006. exercising the 'ol Singaporean spirit of 'Kiasu-ness', eh?

this is just so wrong. we are being abandoned to a brigade which we do not belong to, and neither do we want to belong to, and being horribly and forcibly compelled to participate in an exercise which we have not the faintest compulsion to be in. and yet, we're here.

as the time-honoured SAF adage goes: 'LAN LAN SUCK THUMB'.

but since we are already doomed to be here, let me talk about the short time (approx. 2 weeks) we've been here, lest i overdo my bitching over spilt milk.

the upper echelon of commanders here are for the most part, fairly ok, with the grand exception of the OC (Officer Commanding) and the sniper PS (Platoon Sergeant). i shall try to devote some time to them, but do not get your hopes up as they are not much worth wasting my bashing of keys on.

the snipers here are very much friendly and chatworthy, them trying to make ourselves feel at home here (something we will never feel as long as we are in the SAF). one interesting point to note: although they are all part of the 'JC' batch, but they do not seem as... excruciatingly dumb and kill-worthy as larry seems to be. strange.

a brief synopsis of the two commanders singled out above -

OC - self-serving and somewhat discriminating
PS - sarcastic and displays an unwillingness to lose out to lesser people

we were summoned for a company cohesion activity at sentosa last friday and will try to post up pictures soonest.

blah. shoot me.


199 Days to ORD
